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Napoleon I Bonaparte/French military man and statesman

  Napoleon I Bonaparte Napoleon I Bonaparte (France, August 15, 1769 - Longwood, Santa Elena Island, May 5, 1821) was a French military man and statesman, a republican general during the Revolution and the Directory, and the architect of the coup d'état of Brumaire 18 that made him the first consul (Premier Consul) of the Republic on November 11, 1799. He was also consul for life from August 2, 1802 until his proclamation as Emperor of the French (Empereur des Français) on 18 May 1804, being crowned on December 2; He was also proclaimed King of Italy on March 18, 1805 and crowned on May 26. He held both titles until April 11, 1814, and from March 20 to June 22, 1815. DOWNLOAD FREE NAPOLEON’S BIOGRAPHY BY FRANK McLYNN For little more than a decade, he took control of almost all of Western and Central Europe through a series of conquests and alliances. Only after his defeat in the Battle of the Nations, near Leipzig, in October 1813, was he forced to abdicate months later. He return