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Showing posts from January, 2021

A Long Walk to Freedom

A Long Walk to Freedom  Nelson Mandela represents for millions of people the triumph of dignity and hope over despair and hatred, of self-discipline and love over persecution and ignominy. His extraordinary life dedicated to the fight against racial oppression earned him the Nobel Peace Prize and raised him to the presidency of his country. Since its triumphant release in 1990, it has become the center of the most complex and encouraging political event in recent times. Download Free "A Long Walk to Freedom " pdf In The Long Road to Freedom Nelson Mandela travels the path of his extraordinary life. We will discover his first steps as a student and intern in Johannesburg, the slow awakening of his political consciousness, the breakdown of his first marriage, the painful separation from his children, the twenty-seven years that he was in prison - full of events -, his freedom and the definitive establishment in South Africa of a multiracial democracy. A masterpiece destined to